Click on the picture to learn about our senses and the brain...
Watch this video to understand more about neurons:
Watch these videos to understand how your eyes work:
Watch these videos to understand how your ear works:
Click on the picture to watch a video and find out how our nose works:

And watch this slide presentation to find out even more:

And watch this slide presentation to find out even more:
Here are some of the things we are doing about the body: I have chosen just a few to put on the blog, those that I felt were coloured better and with more effort made to produce them.
Thank you to Scholastic Books for their worksheets. They're great!
Click on the picture to go to this web page by the BBC, where you can find out more information about our bodies...
Watch these videos which explain what happens to the food we eat:
Go to these links to find out more about the body and its systems:
Watch this animation about the Digestive System: Click on the picture to go to a page which will help you understand the digestive system...
Here is a Digestion Tie we made in class - maybe your Dad can wear it to work one day!
Here are some videos for my 6th year students studying science in English. We are just about to start Unit 2 which is about Breathing and Circulation. I know it seems really difficult, but if you watch this video it will make it easier for you to understand!
Watch these videos to help you study for the next science exam!
Here is a 'chest vest' for showing us how the respiratory system works. It can also be found in Scholastic's 'Adorable Wearables' book.
Heartbeat Animation
Click here to do a mini web quest about circulation! Click here to find out more about your heart. Here is a video which explains how we can have a heart attack:Here is a rap to help you learn about the heart:
And now see if you can do this quiz!
Now watch this presentation to see how the heart works...
Cardiovascular system Go to this link to learn more
Watch this! Visual exploration of heart Beating heart with blood flow
Look at these cute little men we did in 6th year Science. The idea is from Scholastic's Science Project Book. This is a selection of the most colourful ones and as you can see they are all different. Each child personally selected the information they wanted to include on their man/woman and it helped them to revise for the exam.
Heart Anatomy
Look at these cute little men we did in 6th year Science. The idea is from Scholastic's Science Project Book. This is a selection of the most colourful ones and as you can see they are all different. Each child personally selected the information they wanted to include on their man/woman and it helped them to revise for the exam.
Here is a game to test your knowledge of our bones:
Click on this picture to go to another web page where you can study your bones!
Watch this video to see how the embryo changes to a fetus and grows inside a pregnant woman...
Helo i am David and i like the blog a lot because it helps me studing
ReplyDeleteGood, I'm so glad you're using it to study, because that makes it all worthwhile.