Click here to play some grammar games with the present simple and present continuous...have fun!  Here are some more games: Snakes and Ladders Past simple and past continuous and here.

Mr Bean's Sandwich - Present Continuous

Mr Bean heads to the park for his lunch and makes his sandwich. Brilliant scenes with Mr Bean washing lettuce in his sock and making tea in his hot water bottle. The first episode of the original Mr Bean series starring Rowan Atkinson was first broadcast on 1st January 1990. Since then Mr Bean has become known all over the world. Created by Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis and Robin Driscoll, there were only 14 episodes of the live action series ever made. 

Practise your irregular verbs!

Practise past participles of irregular verbs with these games. Show how far you can fly!

Here is a Wordwall to practise irregular verbs - see if you can spot the mistake with the verb can in the past! Practise your tenses with your family!

It's easier to learn irregular verbs (simple past)if you sort them into groups like these, where similar irregular verbs will help you to remember others.
Press here to get some tips for learning irregular verbs in the past.

Watch these videos to learn some poems and help you memorise your irregular verbs: Tense Revision

Click on the image to go to a page where you can practise using irregular verbs in English

Press on the wheel to play the irregular verbs wheel game. If you still have doubts about the zero conditional, watch this presentation and see if it helps you. And remember, ask me in class to explain again if you still don't understand.




Here are some more presentations about the first and second conditional which we are going to be working on in the next unit:

Go to this link to practise the modal perfect:


Click to open full screen
Modal verbs - quiz, an interactive worksheet by mada_1
Click on the picture to go to a Quiz about Modal Verbs...

Here is a quiz for could/couldn't And here is one to practise have to/don't have to THE PAST Try doing this worksheet to practise the past continuous and past simple! Here is a Wordwall where you have to say your answer and then turn the card to see if you were right And here you can practise past simple and past continuous  

Write these sentences in the past simple tense 1) I am not at school now, I am at home. Yesterday morning....................... 2) We aren't at the concert, we are at the cinema. Last night............................... 3) My parents aren't in the city; they are on holiday in the mountains. Last week............................................................. 4) David isn't good at maths, he is good at chemistry. When David was at school, he.......................... 5) The party is great! Last Saturday's party................................. 6) Where are you now? I am at my Grandma's. yesterday afternoon? Watch this presentation to understand the past tense. It's very complete so you may want to see it over several days:


Click on the picture to go to a game to practise the past simple with your friends.

 And play this game to identify different tenses.

PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST SIMPLE Do this quiz to test yourself on the Past Continuous: PREPOSITIONS 

Why don't you practise your prepositions with this game?

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Here is a presentation for my 5th year students who had an exam on Monday about the Present Perfect tense. If you think you need more practice, or didn't understand everything, then watch this presentation.

Present perfect simple continuous from inmaculada

and another one...

Present perfect from mluisavm  
Click to open full screen
Present Perfect review, an interactive worksheet by queencita

Watch this video to understand different opinions about grammar:
  THE PASSIVE Watch this video to practise the passive tense:
 Hope you get the questions all right! Watch this presentation to find out more about the passive voice! And then do this quiz Passive Voice Present Simple Do this quiz to test yourself on the Passive Voice And this one is about the Past Passive Here is a Wordwall too! PHRASAL VERBS Why don't you watch this presentation about Phrasal Verbs by Caolan?

Here is a video explaining some of the most common phrasal verbs.

Go to this page to learn more about phrasal verbs.

ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY And here you can practise your listening skills with this song by Queen: QUESTION WORDS Watch this interactive video to practise question words: COMPARATIVES

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