Friday, 15 November 2024

Present Perfect and Past Simple Practice

Present Perfect Quizziz

Talk for a minute about...

Halloween Quiz

Ok,so it's a bit late but I just saw it and thought you would like it as you are experts and will definitely get 100%!

Present Perfect Presentation

Present perfect practice

Click to open full screen
Present Perfect review, an interactive worksheet by queencita

Visit to the European Space Agency

In December we shall be visiting the European Space Agency. Here is a brief video showing you the installations and some of the people who work there: Here is another video by the North American Space Agency or NASA, where you can see the Earth from space: And here is one by the ESA from Africa to Russia. See if you can spot Madrid! This one shows us the variety of colours from the International Space Station (ISS): And this one shows us what life is like on the ISS:

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Past Continuous and Past Simple

Try doing this worksheet to practise the past continuous and past simple!

Living things worksheet

Do this worksheet to test your knowledge of living things so far...

Living Things Quizizz

Do this quiz to help you revise for the exam!



Recursos TIC

