Watch this video about separating mixtures to help you understand more. Pay special attention to evaporation, distillation, filtration and dissolution:
Saturday, 26 January 2019
Here are some posters we designed in Art class to help persuade people to look after the oceans. Can you find yours? Which is your favourite?
This is the song we need to sing on Peace Day with the school, so try to learn it and we'll sing and dance together on Peace Day. It's in Spanish but maybe you can try to translate it.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Watch this video to remind yourself about light and how it works:
I am a 5th and 6th year teacher in a bilingual primary school called La Encina in Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain. I was born in London but have lived here since 1994. I originally came as an Erasmus student as part of my BA Honours Degree in French and Spanish, but loved Spain so much I decided to return after graduating and I'm still here!