The new unit we just started is about Prehistory. Why don't you click on the picture to go to the Natural History Museum page where you can learn more about our predecessors.
You can also play this game to learn about what archaeologists do:
And this game will help you understand about the Metal Ages:
If you still haven't found what you're looking for, then click here to go to the History page of the blog.
Look at these beautiful representations of 'Las Meninas' from the famous painting by Velázquez, which the 5th years did in Art. They had to use a compass to draw the basic shapes. Which one is your favorite?
In the 4th year art classes we've been learning about Pop Art. You can learn more about different types of art in the Arts and Crafts page of this blog.
Here are some examples of the work produced by 4A and 4B. Can you see your picture?
This month we're learning about the importance of having patience, and waiting for things without grumbling or interrupting. Listen to these stories to understand more.
And watch this video about the cookie monster from Sesame Street. Will he be able to wait long enough without eating the cookie so he can get two cookies? What do you think? What strategies does he use to have patience?
In this other Sesame Street video Zac Efron tries to explain patience too:
Here is a song you can sing along to, with Thomas the Tank Engine
And here is the speeded up version to make you laugh!
Here is a rap about waiting and having patience
Why don't you learn the moves to this dance?
Finally, here is a famous experiment to test children's patience. Would you be able to wait or would you eat the marshmallow?
Remember, PATIENCE is a VIRTUE, and GOOD things come to those who WAIT!
I am a 5th and 6th year teacher in a bilingual primary school called La Encina in Las Rozas, Madrid, Spain. I was born in London but have lived here since 1994. I originally came as an Erasmus student as part of my BA Honours Degree in French and Spanish, but loved Spain so much I decided to return after graduating and I'm still here!