


This poster will help you understand more about different forms of energy.
Do this quiz to test your knowledge of different forms of energy: Forms of Energy

Here is a presentation to help you clarify the differences between different forms of Energy:

Watch this presentation to find out more details about sources of energy.

Do this quiz to test your knowledge of energy Watch this to understand about transformation of energy Play this game to check your knowledge of renewable and non renewable sources of energy: Watch these videos to find out how wind and solar power are converted into electricity.

Watch this study jam to understand more about kinetic and potential energy: Click on the picture to go to a song about kinetic and potential energy:

And here is another one: Here is a video where a boy explains why a ball always comes back down to earth and why it bounces.

Here is a simple experiment you can do with a potato to create light and thermal energy. make sure you ask an adult to help you cut the hole in the potato!

Why don't you do this quiz to help you remember everything about sound, light and heat? SOUND ENERGY
Watch this video to understand more about Sound Energy.

LIGHT ENERGY Watch these videos to understand more about light and its properties. NEWTON'S FIRST LAW OF MOTION

Listen to this song about forces and gravity...



Watch this video to understand about gravity, force and work.

Listen to this schoolboy explaining forces.

Listen to this teacher explaining contact and non-contact forces...

Play this game to understand about forces:

We've just started the new unit in Science about Forces, so why don't you watch this video and listen to the song with examples to understand it better?


As we're talking about matter I thought you might like to see this video which shows what happens when hot lava is poured on ice.

Do you know what the Leidenfrost Effect is? This video explains it all and shows you how strangely water can act sometimes.

This one from Study Jams will also help you to understand more
States of Matter Study Jams from John Read Middle School on Vimeo.

States of Matter Study Jams from John Read Middle School on Vimeo.

Watch this video to see how glass is affected by changes of state

Solids, Liquids and Gases And watch this one if you still don't understand about matter!

How can we measure matter? Watch this video to find out:

Listen to these songs and raps about Matter:

Click on these pages to learn more about solids, liquids and gases.


  1. Yvonne I like much the videos and help me to study.
    Thanks for do this blog.

  2. I see much vidios and I like it,but the for me is the second.
    We see something of the video in class but I want to see all.

  3. Hello Ivonne , i am Daniela from 6B.I saw all the videos, but my favorite is the one of 10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquids. Its really amazing !

  4. I love these blog so much. Help me to understand better the things we study;)

  5. marta lopez del pozo18 November 2015 at 19:39

    the blog is very good for studing

  6. Yvonne the other day I see some videos of the matter and energy and y will like so much and that is all of my coment thanks Yvonne.

  7. yvonne I am Isaac and the videos are very guel and I now more than in the class

  8. Yvonne the videos that you put in the blog are very interesting you can put more ISAAC

  9. Yvonne the blog is gud for studing ISAAC

  10. Yvonne the videos that you put in the blog are god but you can put more
