

Click here to go to a link to some colouring pages of famous paintings.

Watch these videos to find out how to draw plants

This year we are concentrating on the oceans for our annual school project, so here are some seahorses drawn using dots, lines and colours.

The meaning of mandala comes from Sanskrit meaning "circle." Even though it may have squares or triangles, a mandala has a circular structure. Mandalas offer balancing visual elements, symbolizing unity and harmony and the meanings of individual mandalas are usually different and unique to each mandala.

As it's Peace Day next week I thought we could practise designing mandalas so here are some videos showing you how to draw a basic mandala using your compass.

Here you can colour your mandala on the computer:

VALENTINES DAY HEART GARLANDS Watch the video to get some ideas on how to make them:


Zentangle is all about about drawing or doodling patterns – in a repetitive manner and then expanding it to put together a piece of art. The repetition of patterns – in an imaginative way – makes this art form very soothing and relaxing – for the artist as well as the viewer. It is really beautiful and exotic to look at. Click here to find out more.


Click on the picture to go to a tutorial about drawing in perspective:

Watch this video to see what we're going to do this week in Art. You can start thinking about the buildings you're going to include in your perspective colour wheel:


Click on the picture to go to some more pictures of optical beach art. They're amazing!

Find out how to draw a three dimensional hand watching these videos:

And what about a hole in your hand? We're not going to do this in class but perhaps you would like to try it at home.

This would be good for Halloween:


Here is a presentation about Salvador Dalí to help you understand more about him and his paintings: Watch these videos about Salvador Dalí to find out about Surrealism:

And this presentation explains it well too!

Here is a video to explain what Pop Art is:


Watch this video to find out about Georges Seurat and Pointillism

In 4B we copied the famous picture by Joan Miró, Los Peces de Colores.  Press on the picture to go to an online puzzle:

In 5B we learnt about Gustave Klimt and his distinctive style, and we did a project to reproduce his artwork. It's not exactly the same as his but we like it and enjoyed doing it!

Loving Vincent
'Loving Vincent' by Dorota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman.Which painting by Van Gogh would you like to see being animated?
Posted by Van Gogh Museum on viernes, 26 de febrero de 2016
Click here to go to a page to practise painting in the style of Van Gogh.


Look at these beautiful representations of 'Las Meninas' from the famous painting by Velázquez, which the 5th years did in Art, based on the idea of this video. They had to use a compass to draw the basic shapes. Which one is your favourite?

Recycled Toys

Watch these videos to see how you can make toys and decorations out of recycled rubbish:

Spanish Art
Click here to find out about Spanish artists.

This week in History we've been learning more about Pablo Picasso's Guernica, and we did several murals in groups. Here you can see them.

This is your task for Art for Thursday the 14th of May. 
Do you remember when we visited the Reina Sofía museum and we saw Guernica?
Do you remember how big it was?
In Social Science we have been learning about contemporary history and Guernica was mentioned but do you really understand what it symbolises?
Why don't you take a look at these videos? The first one explains the symbolism that Picasso included in his work of art:

Here you can play a game to find out where the main symbols are in Guernica...

And watch this video to find out more...

This week we visited the Reina Sofía Museum and were able to see actual paintings by Picasso up close. Guernica is amazing because it is so big. Why don't you watch this video to learn how to draw people in Picasso's style...

And this one showing his weeping women using virtual reality. Maybe you can get some ideas about how to draw faces in his peculiar style.

This one too shows us how he portrayed women...

Francisco de Goya

Do you remember when we went to the Prado Museum and saw several paintings by Goya? Well, here are some videos explaining his life briefly. In the second term you're going to do a project about Goya, so this will help you to get some background information. Don't worry if you can't understand everything the narrator says, he speaks very quickly!

Here is a worksheet with a series of videos showing you how to draw Napoleon:
Portrait of Napoleon, an interactive worksheet by Sextomh
And here is an analysis of Goya's famous '3 de mayo' masterpiece. It may be a little complicated for you to follow, but if you are patient and watch it you will find out lots of interesting facts about this painting.

Here is a poster we did in Art for a competition about Shakespeare. You might like to read some of his plays or watch them at the theatre.




William Shakespeare died on 23rd April 1616. To honour this, UNESCO established 23 April as the International Day of the Book. However, these dates refer to different days: Spain had adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, but England was still using the Julian calendar. Shakespeare's death on 23 April 1616 (Julian) was equivalent to 3 May 1616 (Gregorian). This was 10 days after Miguel de Cervantes was buried and 11 days after he died.


If you like Art you'll find these videos really interesting:

Go to these links which I think are great!

Moma Artsonia Do at home  Conekids  Coloring Book  Jackson Pollack  Open Ended Art with Stamps  Kids Tate Zentangle National Gallery of Art  Art for kids Dans Mon Bocal Kinderart J.Paul Getty Museum Picassohead Color With Leo Kerpoof Spanish Art Games with art Visual Elements of Art Show Me UK Birmingham Museums for Kids Matisse Art Safari

Go to this link to play some games about famous Works of Art in the Prado Museum, Madrid:

Parts of a Work of Art And watch this video about the Prado Museum: Here is a whole-class art project for creating a wall display. Each child is responsible for one sheet of A4.
Here are some colouring pages for reproducing famous works of art: via pascale on Pinterest

Leonardo Da Vinci





Go to this link to find more templates to copy famous paintings: 

Here are some of my own pictures. I use pastel crayons or acrylic paints. Sometimes I copy a famous painting or I do portraits of people I know. Why don't you try? it's really relaxing and it doesn't matter if it isn't perfect (as you can see!)




  1. they are very good
    im ana i love it

  2. i like the links a lot and i cloure a drawin im julia almaraz

  3. Hello Yvonne! I´m Irene Gutierrez from 5th grade, I am using my dad´s computer. I love all your paintings!!The links are also very interesting!! I think your blog is awesome and I will write to you everytime I can. I will See you in class!!

  4. The Guernica is very beautiful and 3 de mayo is very interesting, but really dramatic.

    Nicolás Hernández Saurbier

  5. Hello, my name is Martín and I think that you paint really good. I like painting but you are better than me.

    Martín Alonso González 5th grade

  6. Hello Yvonne.I like a lot your paintings they are amazing, and I like videos too.
    Bye Yvonne

  7. Hello Yvonne,

    My name is David Hernández, I think that your paintings are very beautifull and the videos are really interesting.
    Good Bye Yvonne
