

Watch this video to get a general idea of the history of Spain:


Here is a wall display we did last year in 4th year to learn about the Egyptians.


Click on the picture below to go to a page about cave drawings in France discovered by four boys.

Watch this video about the Caves of Altamira in Cantabria.

Learn about the Paleolithic Age with this video...

And the last period of Prehistory...
Prehistory videos

This link will take you to an interactive game to help you understand how to make fire, bread and weave cloth as Iron Age people did.....What are you waiting for? Click the picture to start playing!

Here is a wall display the 5th years did about Prehistory. They also made some prehistoric houses.

By Lucia G

By Cristina M and Ana M

By María T

We just finished the unit about prehistory and ancient history. Look at the Celtic roundhouses we made! 

Click on the picture to go to a page to learn about the Greeks and the Olympic Games:

Go to these links to find out more about Ancient History and everyday objects...

Watch this video to find out about the people who came from other countries to Spain in Ancient times:

Here we can learn about Roman mosaics:

Watch this video about a true story which took place in Numantia, Soria. Maybe you will understand why we still talk about Numantine resistance today.

We dressed up our Romans in their fighting gear - it was the same drawing but each and every one is completely different!

Here is the template so that you can print it off and do it yourself!

 We've just finished learning about Ancient History. Look at this mural we did to remind us of all that we learnt about Celts, Iberians, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians and Carthaginians.




THE VISIGOTHS Here are some videos to explain who the Visigoths were:

AL ÁNDALUS This video explains the Muslim conquest of Spain: And these will help you understand what Al Ándalus really was: This video shows us the similarities between the Spanish and Arabic languages. Click HERE to see some examples of Moorish architecture in Spain. spain/">
Play this game to test your knowledge!

THE MODERN AGE Click on the picture to open up our padlet about the Modern Age. You can contribute too with pictures, comments and writing. The only condition is that it has to be about the Modern Age. The password is columbus so what's your excuse? Get going!

The 6th years created this wall chart to represent the Modern Age which is what we've been learning about so far this term. We also coloured some mini Christopher Columbus figures to decorate our classrooms. Hope you like it!

The Catholic kings were the most important monarchs in Spanish history. Here is a video where you can find out more about them.

And here you can find five facts about Isabella the Catholic queen:

Christopher Columbus Figure

Watch these videos to find out more about Christopher Columbus:

Click here to find out more about the Mayans
Do this quiz to test your knowledge of the Age of Discovery: Do ths questonnare to test your nowledge of Span n the 15th and 16th century: Watch the presentation and then see how much you remember by answering the questions below:  

When did Ferdinand and Isabel marry? 
When did Isabel become queen? 
What was the Spanish Inquisition? 
Who was Joanna the Mad? 
Who was she married to? 
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? 
Which port did Christopher Columbus set sail from? 
What were the names of his three ships?
Which country did Francisco Pizarro travel to? 
Which country did Hernán Cortés travel to? 
Who was the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean? 
Who was Martin Luther? 
Who was Henry VIII? 
What was the name of his Spanish queen? 
Where did El Greco live? 
What is Diego Velázquez’s most famous painting? 
What type of painter was Murillo? 
Where was Miguel de Cervantes born? 
Who was nicknamed ‘Monster of Nature’ by Cervantes? 
Which Baroque dramatist was good friends with Lope de Vega? 
When did the Hapsburgs rule? 
Who was the first Hapsburg king of Spain? 
Who were his grandparents? 
How many wives did Philip II of Spain have? 
What was the name of his English wife? 
What was the ‘War of Succession?’ 
What was the new dynasty called? 
Who was the first Bourbon king? 
Which king modernised Spain? 
What event marked the end of the Modern Age?
Listen to this song about Christopher Columbus: Click on the picture to go to a page where you can find information about explorers in the past:

Here is a video which explains what the Renaissance was:

Miguel de Cervantes

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
 Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
 If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
 If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
 I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
 But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
 And in some perfumes is there more delight
 Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
 I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
 That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
 I grant I never saw a goddess go;
 My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.
 And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
 As any she belied with false compare.

Here is a poster we did in Art for a competition about Shakespeare. You might like to read some of his plays or watch them at the theatre.

William Shakespeare died on 23rd April 1616. To honour this, UNESCO established 23 April as the International Day of the Book. However, these dates refer to different days: Spain had adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582, but England was still using the Julian calendar. Shakespeare's death on 23 April 1616 (Julian) was equivalent to 3 May 1616 (Gregorian). This was 10 days after Miguel de Cervantes was buried and 11 days after he died.

The Tudor period is my favourite in England.
Try to do this puzzle of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second's harder than you think!

provided by

Why don't you watch this video about Philip II of Spain and Mary of England? In those days marriages were strategies to obtain more territories...

THE HABSBURGS Click here to find out more about the Hapsburgs in Spain
Here is a video made by some teenagers about the Habsburgs: Do ths questionnaire to test your knowledge of the Hapsburgs and Bourbons: Play these games to test your knowledge of the Habsburgs: Do this quiz about two famous kings of Spain
Do this quiz to test your knowledge of the Hapsburgs and Bourbons: See if you can recognise these kings of Spain: THE BOURBONS
Do this fill the gap exercise about the Bourbons: THE WAR OF SUCCESION CONTEMPORARY HISTORY

Watch this powerpoint to understand the French Revolution and recognize some of its main protagonists.

This is a very short explanation of the French Revolution

Here is a video about the French Revolution: Go to this web page to understand more about the 2nd May. It's in Spanish.

Here is a worksheet explaining how to draw Napoleon
Portrait of Napoleon, an interactive worksheet by Sextomh
Watch this video to understand about contemporary history of Spain Play this game to test your knowledge of 19th century rulers in Spain: This one is more difficult - you have to try and put the events in order: Here is a video created by some children like you to explain 19th century Spanish history Do this quiz about 19th century Spain: Here is a recreation of the events of the 2nd May:

And this one also shows us what it must have been like: This short video explains the Constitution of 1812

This one tells us about Fernando VII

And this one is about Isabel II

Here are some worksheets about 19th and 20th century Spain:
20th Century Spain, an interactive worksheet by yrbrand
Here are some quizzes about 19th and 20th century Spain for you: Watch the video from minutes 8:27 to 11:58 to find out more about the Generation of '98

This one explains the First Republic

  1. When was the Second republic proclaimed?
  2. What were the names of the presidents of the 2nd Republic?
  3. What was the novelty in the new Constitution?
  4. What were the new reforms?
  5. Why were there violent conflicts?


When was Alfonso XIII proclaimed king?
What happened during his reign?
What happened in the war in Morocco?
Who was General Primo de Rivera?
What did he do?
What is a coup?
Who established a military dictatorship?
What were the measures he took?
What did the population want?
When did Primo de Rivera lose support from the king?
Where did Alfonso XIII go into exile?

Here is a video to help you understand the Industrial Revolution:

20th century spain from castillosekel

Armistice Day is on 11th November and is also known as Remembrance Day. The red poppy is a symbol to remember all the people who died in the First World War and many people in Britain wear a poppy on this day. Here is a video about what happened last year at the Tower of London (probably my favourite London monument) when it was decorated with more than 888,000 red poppies - one for each person who died during the war. It was celebrated at 11am on the 11th of November 2014 because it was the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War. If you would like to know more about the conditions the soldiers fought in you could read some of the poems by war poets like Rupert Brooke or Wilfred Owen. Here is part of a war sonnet by Rupert Brooke where war is glorified, and below that, a poem by Wilfrd Owen telling the hard truth about the war and its suffering.
Click on the tank to find out more information about World War One.
Why don't you watch this presentation to learn more about symbolism in Guernica?
Watch this video to see the details of this work of art more easily.
Click here to go to a game where you have to recognize the symbols in Guernica.
This video explains how the Spanish Civil War started
Watch this to see a summary of the Franco era: Click on this link to go to information about archaeological remains found in the Community of Madrid.