
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Sources of Energy

Watch this presentation to find out more details about sources of energy.

Tuesday 16 February 2021


Do this quiz to test your knowledge of different forms of energy: Forms of Energy
Click on the picture to watch a presentation which will help you to distinguish different types of Energy.

Friday 12 February 2021

International Childhood Cancer Day Monday 15th February

International Childhood Cancer Day is celebrated on the 15th of February and is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families. At school we drew around our hands and decorated the paper hands with our own special messages for those who suffer with this, as well as their families. Then two trees were created with the hand decorations, one for Infant Education and one for Primary. Here you can see the examples and the Primary tree being made.

Monday 8 February 2021

6th Year Past Perfect Practice

Do this quiz to practise the Past Perfect!

5th Year Money and Business Vocabulary Quiz

Why don't you do this quiz to revise for your exam on Friday!

Monday 1 February 2021

Click on the wheel to practise the passive voice.