
Wednesday 26 February 2020

As you know, we've been doing English presentations about monuments from English speaking countries.

Look at this model of the Royal Albert Hall in London that Claudia made to accompany her presentation.
It's amazing!
And here is a model of the London Eye by Rodrigo that actually moved and has lights like the real one!

And here is a model of London and its monuments made by Michelle. It's beautiful!

Friday 14 February 2020

As you know, the school project this year is based on Magallane's circumnavigation of the world, and the continents he passed through. In my class we'll be doing some workshops making African masks. We've nearly finished decorating the class so here are a few pictures for you.

Here are some of the masks we made today...

And here is the passport we used to travel to the different countries

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Today we went to Caixaforum to see a play about opera. It was amazing!

Look at these fantastic book reviews!

I forgot to add this one! 

This one was inside a box!

And this one was rolled up like parchment!

  • And I saved the best until last!

Friday 7 February 2020

Just click on the picture to go to a summary of the unit we're doing in Science, the 19th century.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Inclusion Posters on PhotoPeach

Here are the posters the 6th year did for the 36th ONCE competition. You need to have Flash installed to see them.
Inclusion Posters on PhotoPeach
If you don't have Flash then maybe you can see these collages