
Tuesday 29 October 2019

Watch this presentation to find out more about the passive voice!

Watch this video to practise the passive tense for the exam on Friday 8th November:

Hope you get the questions all right!

Monday 28 October 2019

Look at this creative book summary by Cristina in 6°. I love it!

Here is some of the best presented work about an autonomous community. See if you can find your favourite!

Thursday 24 October 2019

Revision Quiz

Click on the picture to get access to the quiz about Spain to help you revise for the exam next Tuesday.
You can use the code 571568.

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Here is the first plate monster for Halloween in 6B. The last day is Monday so hurry up and bring me yours!

Wednesday 16 October 2019


As you know, in English you had to do the assignment about the book which told us about Penicillin, where a mistake led to a discovery.  Here are some of the best presented tasks before I correct them.


Here are some examples of creative work by some of you for the Penicillin assignment. Remember if you're doing a summary it doesn't have to be the same as always. Use your imagination!

Halloween Happiness!

Do you know why I am so happy? Well, one of my students has made me a beautiful biscuit for Halloween! Here it is! But it's so beautiful I don't want to eat it.

Friday 11 October 2019

Perspective Cityscape Colour Wheels

Click on the picture to go to a video which explains how to create these cityscape colour wheels.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Around the World

This year we are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the circumnavigation of the world in 1519. So in English we did some project work in groups about countries that we would like to persuade our classmates to visit. Can you see yours?



Thursday 3 October 2019

Autumn has come!

Hey! Autumn is here! So as we've been talking about our senses in Science, I thought you might like to write a short poem about how we perceive autumn.
You all did very well, but here is a selection for you to read. See if you can find yours or a friend's!