
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Friday 23 November 2018

Tuesday 20 November 2018

This page will help you to practise for the exam about Europe. Try to practise a little every day!

If you like football why don't you watch this video explaining comparatives and superlatives?
Watch this video to see examples of comparatives and superlatives in songs.

Watch this video to understand more about indefinite pronouns.

Saturday 17 November 2018

See how many European rivers you know!

The next unit is all about Europe so click on the picture to test your knowledge about European geography.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Book Summaries

Here are some examples of the best book summaries I've had this month. If you haven't handed yours in to me yet, then hurry up!

Look at this great book summary about Deadliest Animals. Well done Daniela!!!

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness

Here are some of our reflections on autumn, the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness', according to the famous poet John Keats.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Click on the picture to go to some interactive maps where you can practise relief, hydrography, provinces and communities of Spain and have fun while you're doing it!

Click on the picture to go to a page to practise the autonomous communities in Spain.

This one is really good for the provinces!