
Wednesday 31 January 2018

Peace Day

Yesterday we celebrated Peace Day at school. We created a peace rainbow with symbols coloured by all the children at school.

Those who wanted to brought small windmills decorated with words associated with peace, which we placed in the front garden for everyone passing by to see.

Finally the whole school sang a song together about love and peace. We have to remember that we should try to keep the peace every day, not just on Peace Day.

Here is a selection of peace quotes to bear in mind every day:

Friday 26 January 2018

Money and Business

The next unit in Social Science is all about money and businesses.
It's important to save money and not spend all of it. We have to spend responsibly and not buy everything we see. This video tells you about all the advantages of saving your money and not wasting it:

Saving Money

Here is a web page where you can learn about saving:

Saturday 13 January 2018

How it's made

Go to this page to find some videos about how many everyday objects are manufactured.

Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors Quiz

Click on the picture to do this quiz to make sure you understand how jobs are grouped in each economic sector:

Tuesday 9 January 2018

The Economy on PhotoPeach