
Sunday 29 November 2015


The next unit we're going to be looking at is about Magnetism and Electricity. So why don't you watch this video to understand more?

Saturday 28 November 2015

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Saturday 14 November 2015

Paris Attacks

Here are some drawings of students who wanted to do something to show their solidarity with the Paris victims:


Friday 13 November 2015

Armistice Day is on 11th November and is also known as Remembrance Day. The red poppy is a symbol to remember all the people who died in the First World War and many people in Britain wear a poppy on this day. Here is a video about what happened last year at the Tower of London (probably my favourite London monument) when it was decorated with more than 888,000 red poppies - one for each person who died during the war. It was celebrated at 11am on the 11th of November 2014 because it was the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War. If you would like to know more about the conditions the soldiers fought in you could read some of the poems by war poets like Rupert Brooke or Wilfred Owen. Go to the end of the history page to see their poems.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Volcano Experiment

Watch this video to see how different substances react to form a volcano effect! Thank you to the parents of these students for giving me permission to put this video on the blog.

The Leidenfrost Effect

Do you know what the Leidenfrost Effect is? This video explains it all and shows you how strangely water can act sometimes.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

'Little Drummer Boy' for 6C

Hi 6C! Here is a video you can watch to get ideas for dance steps for the Christmas festival. Remember we have to keep it as simple as possible, and if there is anyone who would like to do some gymnastics or special dance on stage then tell me so we can fit it in with the music.

Paignton, South Devon

This very short film is about my Mum's home town where I spent many happy holidays there with my grandparents, uncles and aunts, and cousins. See how different the coastline is to Spain - it's true what the presenter says, that the land is red and very flat with a few cliffs. Devon is a beautiful part of Great Britain that often gets overlooked due to other parts of England being more popular. It's very rural, so many people move to bigger cities where there are more job opportunities. If you ever get a chance to visit some Devonshire towns like Plymouth or Exeter, do so and you won't regret it!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Explore science games on light and optics at NeoK12  

Wednesday 4 November 2015

What happens when lava meets ice?

As we're talking about matter I thought you might like to see this video which shows what happens when hot lava is poured on ice.

Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes

Tomorrow is the 5th of November which is when we celebrate Bonfire Night in Great Britain. Watch this video and click on the labels below to find more information about this special day.

Monday 2 November 2015


If you still don't understand about matter, watch this video where everything is explained and some experiments are carried out too


In these videos you can see children doing experiments to learn more about matter

Changes of State

Watch this video to see how glass is affected by changes of state

Sunday 1 November 2015


We're going to be learning about Energy and Matter in the next topic, so here is a video you watch where crazy Bill Nye explains everything!