
Wednesday 17 December 2014

English notebooks

Look at these pages from Alicia's and Anton's notebooks. They're great!

A Christmas Story

Here is another beautifully decorated story by Alejandra to wish you a merry Christmas!

My Family

Look at these essays the 6th years wrote about their families. Aren't they fantastic?

My Family on PhotoPeach

Thursday 11 December 2014


Click on the picture to go to a wealth of information about Europe!

The European Union

Look at these notebooks! Aren't they fantastic?


Wednesday 10 December 2014

Spaceship story

Look how Alejandra from 6C presented her essay about aliens landing in her garden!

It's much more interesting when we decorate our work and remember - if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well!

Advent calendar

Look at this advent calendar Ana put up in the classroom. Sorry, there aren`t any chocolates inside!


Here are some links for you to learn about the European Union which is the topic we've just started. Just click on the pictures!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

6th Year Group History Projects

Take a look at the group history projects the 6th years did and see if you can spot yours! Sometimes it's hard working in groups but it's good practice for life. One day you'll probably have to work as part of a team, and you can't always choose who you work with,  so you'd better get used to it!

History Projects 2014 on PhotoPeach

Monday 1 December 2014

Contemporary History Projects

Look for your project and make sure you tell me if you can't see it!

Contemporary History on PhotoPeach