
Monday 26 May 2014

Well done to both groups who took part in the Speaking Competition 2014 in Madrid. Both groups got through to the final!!!!
And thank you too to the mothers who helped out with cars and transport in the final!

The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Here you can see some images taken during the Spanish Civil War. Civil Wars are particularly hard because sometimes family members have to fight against each other.

Thursday 22 May 2014

The Industrial Revolution

Here is another video to help you understand the Industrial Revolution:

The Industrial Revolution Rap

Watch this rap to get an idea of how the Industrial Revolution changed life in the 19th century.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Causative Have

Watch this video to understand more about the causative have:

Adonai, we're thinking of you....

This is just a little note for Adonai, to let you know we're all thinking about you, and waiting for the day you come back to school. Remember to look on the blog to watch any videos related to what we're doing in class. Right now in Science we're learning about the provinces and autonomous communities, and then we're going to do History. Anyway, please comment so we know how you are!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Our Essays on PhotoPeach

The 2nd of May 1808

Watch this very short video to get an idea of what the 2nd of May events in Madrid were like:

A Short History of Spain

Watch this video to get a general idea of the history of Spain:

Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Wisest Person I Know: 6th Year Essays on PhotoPeach

Look at these essays - some students really make an effort to produce top quality homework!

Science Notebooks

Here are some more examples of pages from my 6th year Science notebooks. They are so creative!

Book Day

Look at this beautiful mural my workmate Alicia did for book day. Each flower has a quote or thought about reading.

I love it!

Friday 9 May 2014

Christopher Columbus

Watch this to find out more about Christopher Columbus:

Monday 5 May 2014

Smart Phone, Dumb Person

New technology is important and can help us in many ways, but we have to know how to use it and to use it in proportion. There are a lot more things we can do instead of being on the I-Pad/Phone etc. Watch this video to find out how we are becoming more anti-social because of new technology...