
Tuesday 30 April 2013


If you want to learn a poem over the next few days then here are two short ones - you can choose the one you like best and recite it to me next week!

Bed in Summer
 by Robert Louis Stevenson

In winter I get up at night 
And dress by yellow candle-light. 
In summer quite the other way, 
I have to go to bed by day. 

I have to go to bed and see 
The birds still hopping on the tree, 
Or hear the grown-up people's feet 
Still going past me in the street. 

And does it not seem hard to you, 
When all the sky is clear and blue, 
And I should like so much to play, 
To have to go to bed by day?

From a Railway Carriage
 by Robert Louis Stevenson

Faster than fairies, faster than witches, 
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches; 
And charging along like troops in a battle 
All through the meadows the horses and cattle: 
All of the sights of the hill and the plain 
Fly as thick as driving rain; 
And ever again, in the wink of an eye, 
Painted stations whistle by. 
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles, 
All by himself and gathering brambles; 
Here is a tramp who stands and gazes; 
And here is the green for stringing the daisies! 
Here is a cart runaway in the road 
Lumping along with man and load; 
And here is a mill, and there is a river: 
Each a glimpse and gone forever!