
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Anne Boleyn Puzzle

Try to do this puzzle of Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's second's harder than you think!

provided by

Iron Age Village

This link will take you to an interactive game to help you understand how to make fire, bread and weave cloth as Iron Age people did.....What are you waiting for? Click the picture to start playing!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Prehistory videos

Watch these videos about Prehistory to help you understand more about it...

Wednesday 22 May 2013

To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee - My Favourite Book

Do you like reading? This is my favourite book of all time. I first read it at school and have never forgotten it. The black and white film with Gregory Peck is also my favourite. See if you can get the book from the library, or watch the film, and tell me what you think!


This is a project by Diana in 5A.
It tells us all about the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages. I like the way she has used coloured chalk for the titles!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Laptop Story

Look at all these stories my 5th years wrote last weekend! Click on any stories you want to see close up!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Spain: Relief and Rivers

Hey, take a look at these 3D maps which my pupils made! 

The first two are by Jaime in 4C, then there is a big one by Sofía, and the final one is by Carmen from 5A. You may find it really hard learning the names of rivers and mountains, but if you do it this way it's much more fun and I'm sure you'll remember them more easily!

By Jaime, 4C

By Sofía, 5B

By Carmen, 5A

And here are some projects from both classes...

Now we are making a huge wall display in the corridor with rivers and mountains so that we can remember them more easily. This is what it looks like now...

We just have to add a few more rivers and it will be finished!

Sunday 5 May 2013


Here is another link for learning about Spain:

Saturday 4 May 2013

Summer Camps in England

Many parents ask me which companies I recommend for sending their children to England in the Summer. I think the best way to help your children learn English is for you to go for 2 weeks or more to England, find a day camp and stay near there, so that your children are with you in the evenings and in the daytime they are totally immersed in English. They are not going to speak English until they have the necessity, and if you send them to a day camp with other English children they are going to have to speak in English if they want to play and make friends. 
The camps are usually about 150 pounds per week per child, with some discounts for brothers or sisters, and many of them are actually checked by Ofsted which is the equivalent of Inspection here in Spain.
It's a much more economical option (and better for the children in my opinion because they are with you in the evenings) than any of the options where everything is organized from Madrid.
Here are some web pages for you to look at:

If you have the possibility of taking a couple of weeks off in July or August and staying in the UK then I think these are good options.