
Thursday 31 March 2011

Remember to Remember




CHARACTERS: Mother and child, Teacher and several children in a class

SYNOPSIS: The teacher wants to start the lesson but children keep interrupting because they’ve forgotten something. In the end when the teacher can start the lesson she realises she’s forgotten her book.

CHARACTER OBJECTIVES: The teacher’s objective is to give her class but as the children are so forgetful they interrupt her continually, until the end of the class when she realises she’s forgotten her book.

I - AT HOME – a student with his parents getting ready for school. The mother checks his schoolbag and asks him about all the subjects in his timetable for that day, making sure that he has put everything in his bag.

II – ON THE SCHOOL BUS – the students are seated on the bus and as the driver starts up the engine several children have forgotten school objects and the driver has to wait for them. When everyone is finally ready the driver realises that he has forgotten his keys, and the children have to wait until he finds them.

III – AT SCHOOL – The children are in English class and the teacher is about to start the class. However, she keeps getting interrupted because of children forgetting their school materials. Finally when she can begin, she realises that she’s forgotten her book.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Birthday Present


It’s the 25th of March and it’s Tom’s mum birthday. He doesn’t know what to give her. He is so worried and he thinks what he can do. Finally, he decides to ask his best friend Lucy about it.

TOM: Hi Lucy!
LUCY: Hi Tom! How are you?
TOM: I’m so worried .
LUCY: Why?
TOM: Because it’s my mum’s birthday. I want to give her a present but I haven’t decided it yet.
LUCY: Ok, Don’t worry! I will help you.
TOM: Ok, thank you.
LUCY: Let’s start thinking! You can buy her a racket. Does your mum like playing tennis?
TOM: No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like sport.
LUCY: Ok, You can buy a CD. Does she like listening to music?
TOM: No, she doesn’t. She prefers watching TV.
LUCY: Watching TV? There’s nothing interesting to watch on the TV. I prefer reading books. Does she like reading books?
TOM: Yes, but she says she hasn’t got time to read books as she’s always doing the housework. You know, things like washing the dishes, washing our clothes, ironing, making meals etc.
LUCY: Does she like cooking?
TOM: Well, she’s very good at it but I don’t know if she likes cooking.
LUCY: Well maybe you should buy something that will help her with the housework and allow her to have more free time.
TOM: Yes but things like that are really expensive and I haven’t got much money. She’s got a washing machine but she hasn’t got a dishwasher. I can’t afford to buy her one of those.
LUCY: Well, you know what they say – the best things in life are free! Why don’t you just help her with the housework? That would be cheaper and I’m sure it would make your Mum really happy.
TOM: Yes, but I have to buy her something, even if it’s something small.
LUCY: Have you asked your Dad what he thinks? Maybe he can give you some ideas. After all, he knows her better than you.
TOM: Great idea! Let’s go and find him.
TOM: Dad, Dad, where are you?
DAD: Here I am, in the bedroom.
TOM: What are you doing?
DAD: Wrapping up Mum’s birthday present. I decided to get something from all of us, because you usually forget.
TOM: What have you bought her?
DAD: Well, she’s always saying that she’s fat and wants to lose weight so I decided to get her something to help her.
TOM: But what is it?
DAD: It’s a tennis racket. Don’t you think it’s a great idea?

Wednesday 9 March 2011


TEACHING ENGLISH: Irregular Verbs: "Irregular verbs seem to be very difficult for students to memorize them. Here you have a link that may help."

Saturday 5 March 2011

This month it's St Patrick's Day, so why don't you learn a little bit about it before the 17th March, when we celebrate it?