
Friday 3 December 2010

What this blog is about.....

This blog is all about Great Britain and is intended for students wishing to improve their knowledge of Great Britain. I hope to include photos, videos, anecdotes, and news as well as exercises to help students improve in areas where they have problems. It is also intended to be useful for teachers of English, with links to sites with information about British culture as well as exercises which can be used in class

Monday 22 November 2010

Prepositions of location

Here is a video which will help you to remember the prepositions in English. Try to listen to as many songs, chants and rhymes in English as possible.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Henry VIII

Go to the following links and learn about the Tudor king Henry VIII:

Henry VIII

Six Wives of Henry VIII

Sunday 31 October 2010

The Gunpowder Plot: The 5 Conspirators

Next week on the 5th November it is Bonfire Night and these videos help to explain the origins of this festival and what British people do on this day.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Culture club

Here is some traditional Irish dancing. you might like to compare it with typical Spanish dancing. What similarities do they have?

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Celtic Dancing

This is for 6ºB
Watch this video of celtic dancing and think about whether it is similar to Spanish regional dancing. In what way?

The Celts

This is a task for 6ºB:
Go to this page and learn all about the Celts.

Wednesday 14 April 2010



Tuesday 13 April 2010



1)It travels by sea and rhymes with COAT.
2) It is big and goes under the sea. It rhymes with CLEAN.
3) It sails in the sea and rhymes with CLIP.
4) It travels in space and rhymes with POCKET.
5) It travels fast and rhymes with LANE.
6) It travels on land and rhymes with GUS.
7) It travels on land and rhymes with STAR.
8) It travels on land and rhymes with LUCK.
9) It flies through the air and rhymes with PET.
10) It travels on land and rhymes with CAN.

Talking about the past

Write these sentences in the past simple tense

1) I am not at school now, I am at home.
Yesterday morning.......................

2) We aren't at the concert, we are at the cinema.
Last night...............................

3) My parents aren't in the city; they are on holiday in the mountains.
Last week.............................................................

4) David isn't good at maths, he is good at chemistry.
When David was at school, he..........................

5) The party is great!
Last Saturday's party.................................

6) Where are you now? I am at my Grandma's. yesterday afternoon?

How much do you know about Britain?

Use the following websites to find out the information about Great Britain:

1) What is the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom?
2) What form of government does the UK have?
3) What are the official languages in Great Britain?
4) What is the difference between 'detached', 'semi-detached' and 'terraced' houses in Great Britain?
5) What is England's national sport? How many players does a team have?
6) Choose one of Great Britain's top ten destinations and name two attractions you can find in each place.
7) What is the London Underground called? How many lines does it have?
8) When does the changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace take place?
9) Who adopted the name Windsor as the surname of the Royal Family? Why?
10) Who was the Queen of England in Shakespeare's times?

What's the weather like in Exeter today?

Météo Exeter Airport

Do you know where Exeter is? Is it in the North or South of England?

Saturday 27 March 2010


Are you up for the behaviour challenge? Watch the video, choose a student and deal with their behaviour. Afterwards you'll see what would have been the best method.

Life in 1903 in London

We can use this video to help our pupils understand how life was in the past in London, and exploit it so that they can practise using the simple past and the 'used to' form. We can firstly ask them to spot differences in the way people dressed then and what we wear now. Then we could ask them about the transport and the forms used then and what we use nowadays. We can ask them to construct sentences:
In the past people used to wear hats every day and now we don't wear them so often.
In the past the women used to wear long dresses and skirts and nowadays they wear jeans and trousers.
In the past the most common form of transport was horse and cart or walking, and nowadays we use cars.
This activity would be adequate for 5th and 6th year primary pupils but could also be used for older pupils who could expand more on the questions.

Monday 8 March 2010

Culture Club

Go to the above link and see if you can answer the following questions:

1. What is Bonfire Night?

2. Who was Robert Burns?

3. Who is the patron saint of Wales?

4. When is St Patrick's Day?

5. How old is Stonehenge?

Good luck!

Sunday 7 March 2010

Watch, listen and answer:

Go to this link and watch the video. Then answer the questions:

1. How many people live in London?

2. What is the name of the river which flows through London?

3.What is the name of the Abbey?

4. Why is there fascination for Kensington Palace?

5. What are the trademarks of the city?

How much do you know about Britain?

Use the link for British culture and answer the following questions:

1.What is the name of the British flag?
2. Where does the Queen of England live?
3.Who built the Tower of London?
4.What are beefeaters?
5.Which countries are in Great Britain?
6.Which countries make up the United Kingdom?

Good luck!

Wednesday 3 March 2010

This blog is all about Great Britain and is intended for students wishing to improve their knowledge of Great Britain. I hope to include photos, videos, anecdotes, and news as well as exercises to help students improve in areas where they have problems. It is also intended to be useful for teachers of English, with links to sites with information about British culture as well as exercises which can be used in class.